Designer Vaginas: Worth 5 minutes of your day!

The women of Vox Feminista have really summed up the Labiaplasty phenomenon perfectly.  This 5 minute video is a hilarious take on a troubling trend.

We at Self Serve made a video about Labiaplasty a couple years ago.  The version showing a vulva image at the beginning was censored from You Tube since, ya know, all naked bodies are perceived as pornography.  Here’s the version that’s still online:

If you haven’t heard about Labiaplasty, I invite you to learn more.  As one commenter on the above video said, “like women need another part of their body to hate.”  I think a woman seeking out labiaplasty is often like someone wanting a cosmetic nose job when they’ve never seen other noses.  Vulvas all look different.  Labia come in many different shapes and sizes.  You have nothing to worry about!

Here’s a cool project by Betty Dodson and Carlin Ross promoting visibility of diverse genitalia