Rasa Lila, ND

Rasa Lila, ND
Rasa Lila, ND

I am trained as a naturopathic doctor with skills in lifestyle and nutritional counseling, botanical medicine, homeopathy, Traditional Chinese medicine, physical manipulation, and hydrotherapy. These are invaluable in my healing journey from addiction, immune system imbalance, chronic digestive and skin disease, trauma and severe injury from a paragliding accident, infertility, depression, and anxiety. I rely on spiritual and indigenous healing practices such as AA twelve steps, meditation, martial arts, yoga and sweat lodge to face my difficulties and ease my suffering. My problems are spiritual lessons. I help others along the way in a small, private practice.

My passion is guiding people through deep journeys of personal transformation. This is why I lead retreats in nature where I can incorporate many modalities to reconnect people with their source of vitality, peace and fulfillment. I dig deeply to understand the root cause of illness. I see karma or genetic information we carry from trauma, oppression, and fear from our ancestors. I see childhood survival instincts and the development of subconscious coping behaviors. It is clear how all our life experiences contribute to our health or disease. Our choices determine our lives. Carolyn Myss, a medical intuitive, explains how our biography becomes our biology. Genetics now confirms this. On a practical level, prolonged stress leads to a loss of vitality, which then leads to physical manifestations. Therefore, I support people in their solo task of taking responsibility and taking action toward wholeness. With a foundation of health and joy people can create whatever they dream.
