The Beginner’s Guide to PC Muscles and Kegel Exercises

The Importance of Kegel Exercises

The pubococcygeus (PC muscle) is the hammock-like muscle that supports your organs and internal genitalia, it stretches from your pubic bone to you coccyx. A strong PC muscle is the key to more intense orgasms, and greater urinary control, as well as helping to ease labor pains. You can achieve this through daily kegel exercises, which are designed to tone and strengthen your PC muscle.

Exercises Using Ami or Smartballs

To locate your PC muscle, try stopping your urine flow while using the bathroom, this muscle that you are squeezing is

your PC Muscle. With the Ami set, beginners should start start with the Ami 1 size, as your muscles becomes stronger you can progress to Ami 2 and 3.

Exercise 1: Simple

  • Lay on your back and insert the pelvic exercise ball with a generous amount of water-based lubricant.
  • Squeeze PC muscle for 5 seconds, then rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Rest for 1 minute in between sets and complete 3 sets.

Exercise 2: Advanced

  • Sit on the edge of a bed or a chair and insert Ami or Smartballs.
  • Squeeze PC muscle for 5 seconds, then rest for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Rest for one minute between sets and complete 3 sets

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