curious about...
firmer erections
Erectile health is a topic we spend a lot of time on here at Self Serve, and it’s something a lot more folks struggle with than you’d think--you’re not alone. Many people find that they either are having challenges maintaining erections or would just like their erections to last longer. You can try an erection band, level up with a pump, or do some muscle memory training. The good news is that all of these options feel good and can help!
just the tips...
tip #1
A lot of folks practice for a sprint and expect their body to be able to run a marathon. If your self-pleasure is a sprint to climax that only lasts a few minutes, your muscle memory in the penis is likely going to follow the same script (erection only lasting a few minutes) when you're with a partner. By changing your mindset and your masturbation habits to look more like the sex you want to have, you can experience positive results. Masturbation is fun and healthy, and practice makes progress. Change your script, change your outcome.
erection bands
Erection Bands (aka cock rings) work by restricting blood flow--they can make an erection last longer, feel more powerful, and make ejaculation feel more explosive. However, there are a few things to keep in mind, especially if it’s your first time playing with erection bands. Here is some more information: [resource guide].
tip #2
Keeping it firm
If you or a partner are having difficulty maintaining a hard erection or are "losing" an erection when you really want to keep it. Try placing an erection band that fits snugly on the base of a semi-erect penis (or penis and testicles), then as the penis gets more erect from blood flowing in, it is much easier to maintain because the blood-flow out of the penis is restricted.
Erection loss can happen for many reasons. As our bodies age, many of the response systems we get accustomed to change along with our motor, muscular, and mental capabilities. As we experience stress in our lives it can also become harder to sync up the physical and mental desires and responses that we have. Using a cock ring is an optional accommodation that let's you stress less and hopefully enjoy more from your sexual experiences now that you have some help keeping your erection going strong.

tip #3
adjustable is best
Using a ring that is stretchy or adjustable is important. Something silicone or rubber that can stretch or snap on and off is the safest option and best option for beginners. Having a way to easily remove the ring helps you avoid getting stuck in one.
tip #4
Build up your muscles
As a beginner you may want to dive right in, but starting low and slow is best. You can use an erection band in "practice" before you use it in the heat of the moment with a partner to do this. At first it might be a little uncomfortable, if it is doing it's job by restricting blood flow that would be a new sensation and your body may need time to get accustomed to it. Start by only wearing it for a couple minutes at a time, you can always add more time as you become accustomed to the ring--but wearing it for too long can cause soreness. An erection band should never be worn for longer than 40 minutes, period.
Penis pumps are used to enlarge erections both in length and girth. They work by sucking more blood into the erection than the body supplies by itself. Most of them work by suctioning air out of a cylinder that your penis is inside. They are simple, effective and translucent so you can watch your penis get bigger.
tip #5
always lube up
Before using a penis pump, we recommend you lubricate your penis well and lubricate the base of the pump that is making contact with your body. The lube will ensure maximum comfort and maximum results for the penis and help in attaining a good vacuum seal during pumping.
tip #6
pre-game pumping
If your body is having trouble getting the penis erect enough for penetrative sex, a pump can help. By using a pump on the penis right before "game-time" (sex) you achieve a harder erection by forcing more blood into the penis. If you also need help maintaining your erection post-pump, use an erection band in conjunction with the pump. Do that by placing the band around the pump before inserting your penis into the pump; when you have reached your desired erection and are ready to go, first slide the ring off the pump onto the base of the penis and then remove the pump.
tip #7
While you may not be able to control the effects of aging on the body in many aspects such as: blood flow, circulation, hormones, etc. Exercising your muscles, according to your ability, is often something you can do to combat the way aging can cause atrophy.The penis is made up of muscle and using a penis pump is kind of like using a Bowflex for your erection. While it will work on a need-to-use basis to give you a firm erection, the more you use it the stronger your penis gets and some people do see long-term results from pumping.
tip #8
explore and be creative
You may be very set in your way of thinking about penetrative sex with a penis and how that "should" look, but just because the penis won't get erect enough doesn't mean penetrative sex isn't possible. By removing the pressure of expecting/needing an erection for partnered sex and being open to giving and receiving pleasure in other ways, many couples find that they can have fulfilling and pleasurable sex lifes. We have curated a selection of helpful resources including books, classes, and toys that can help with exploring and getting creative in the bedroom.