Customer Testimonials

We asked customers what they thought of us, and here are a few responses we got…

Life-changing, physical, mental, sexual & spiritual self-care. But “awesome” works, too

Self Serve is helping people passionately love themselves and each other.

You guys remind me to keep loving me. You also give me access to the knowledge to keep loving me and others better and better. Thanks ladies!

Hi!! I love you! Self Serve is the very best addition to our city since sliced green chiles!

Wonderful relaxed atmosphere, I always feel comfortable asking any questions on products or sevices. *sigh* Such a relief to have you as a resource. It’s spiced up the bedroom, too!

Self Serve is inviting and removes the taboo of talking about or shopping for sex related items. Thank you for providing a safe, welcoming environment.

Self Serve is one of my favorite stores. I like the attention to health and safe sex. I feel like it has a really positive environment.

The store has educated me, opened my mind, and made me feel comfortable with my sexuality. I’m happy that a place like this exists in New Mexico.

Life-changing, physical, mental, sexual & spiritual self-care. But “awesome” works, too.