Ask Self Serve – Couples toys for penises

Question: I’m unable to have sex with my husband currently. I had emergency surgery in November and have 2 tubes coming out of my stomach and intestine that are stitched to my skin and cause discomfort. I’m going to have them both until mid summer when I have surgery… My husband has been wonderful, and has taken great care of me, but I know this is hard for him… Are there any devices out there you all can recommend that I could use on him, or that we could use on him together?

Sidekick #2


Dealing with multiple surgeries can be challenging and it’s wonderful that you have a supportive partner to help you through it. It is generous and thoughtful for you to be thinking about his needs as well as your own and we wish more partners handled the inevitable challenges of long term love with the grace that you are exhibiting. Hand jobs are a great start but can get kind of boring without additional accessories. It’s like eating the same thing for dinner every night.
One of our most popular male toys is the Sidekick #2. It is a masturbation sleeve that is open on both ends, so when it’s in use, the head of the penis is exposed, which is nice for oral stimulation. We also offer several sleeves that are only open on one end, which stimulates the head of the penis during use. We would recommend using one of the sleeves because it feels soft and wet (with lube) like a vagina or mouth, and it’s less effort for you than a blowjob, or even a hand job without a toy.
You also might want to check out one of our most popular books The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability and add some erotica to your reading list to help you through the next few months. Pleasure doesn’t have to stop because you or someone you love is sick, you just need to get creative.
Here are some links to our most popular masturbation sleeves.

This is the Tenga 3D, which is a sleeve you can turn inside out and use with the textured side against the shaft of the penis.
Here is another fun option from Tenga, it’s small and compact and is easy to use with a partner.
Here is the Sidekick #2 which was mentioned above.
Here is the Verspanken, which is another great toy for solo use or partner play. Men love it because it feels most similar to how it feels to entering a person. Here is a video of how the Verspanken works.

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Questions are answered by Self Serve Staff and edited by Hunter Riley.

Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare provider for any medical condition