Hilarious (yet troubling) Sex Toys

We at Self Serve are lucky to have a network of friends and professional allies in the sex positive, education-based sex shops around the US and Canada.  We’re slowly coming out, and we’re called the Progressive Pleasure Club (PPC).

Sometimes our friends are supportive when we’re looking for items for customers, trying to review hyped-up new sex toys, or making sure the items we sell are bodysafe (since Self Serve only sells phthalate-free toys).

But I am so pleased to learn that one colleague has taken the time to blog about some really stunning inventions out there.  Searah from Early to Bed in Chicago has created a blog all about the oddest, creepiest and most offensive sex toys out there.  A post I just saw on Searah’s Museum of Screwy Sex Toys actually just made my jaw drop – and I have seen some crap!  It’s not that it’s the most offensive or racist toy, it’s just one of the oddest.  But don’t take my word for it!

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF83IwhC4ZE?rel=0]

If you find this whole thing intriguing or amusing, do explore this blog.  I love that one tag simply says: body parts in the wrong places.  That kinda says a lot about what’s wrong with mainstream sex toy manufacturing…

Searah’s commentary makes it less scary and astounding.  Enjoy.