Masturbation tips for women

It may seem silly, but many women really don’t know the best way to masturbate.  When women are told that area ‘down there’ is private, or told never to touch themselves, and since the clitoris is often tucked away,  it may be easier to just not go there.  While experimentation is a great way to learn what feels good, it’s also helpful to get some tips on where to begin.

Knowing how to please yourself is an empowering and practical asset, both to yourself and to partners.  When you know what feels good, it’s easier to have an orgasm.  It’s also helpful information to share with intimate partners, so they know how best to please you.  It’s also hot to show someone you love how you do it by yourself.  Masturbation is a safe kind of sex and has all sorts of health benefits.  If you’re not sure where to begin, or you’d like some new ideas- watch our masturbation tips video below!

p.s. Keep in mind these touch techniques can be used by partners, too!

learn masturbation tips!