Sex Week at Harvard

How far they’ve come…

Sex Week at Harvard is again approaching.  There have been other amazing Sex Week programs at schools like Brown for several years, but when students at Harvard talk about sex, the media listens.  Last year the New York Times covered the phenomenon.  But it’s not only in the last couple years that Harvard students have brought in speakers to wow the crowd with talk of orgasm and pleasure.  7 years ago, Self Serve’s own Matie Fricker got their attention.


Matie and I worked at Grand Opening in Boston, and Matie was invited to teach orgasm workshops at Harvard.  The talk was standing-room only.  The Harvard Crimson coverage of this fine event drew the attention of Rush Limbaugh.  Yes.  Rush Limbaugh.  Matie sees it as an accomplishment that Rush Limbaugh actually said her name on the radio -he spelled it out, in fact.  A proud moment for any sex educator!  In a typical what-is-this-world-coming-to commentary on sinful college students, Limbaugh was flabbergasted about the orgasm discussion at Harvard.  He even stumbled over his words when he spoke…  Female orgasm is pretty radical, after all.  You can listen to the radio show here, and the story starts at 2:38.  Enjoy!

He warns parents of Harvard students that they just might be learning about sex on Saturday nights.  Beware!