Kelly Coogan DC

Kelly Coogan DC
Kelly Coogan DC

Dr Coogan has a keen interest in Yogic philosophy and lived in Ananda ashram in Palo Alto, California during her chiropractic education. Certified as a yoga teacher, she incorporates Yoga into her treatment, and encourages each person to open their bodies and heal injuries using specific exercises, meditation and breathing techniques. Ayurveda is another aspect that Dr Coogan blends into her treatments. As a graduate of the Ayurvedic institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, she is deeply interested in balancing the diet and lifestyle of her clients to help support their healing. She has created a technique called Chiroveda which takes into account each individual constitution and offers specific types of adjustments which are best suited to the individual. She has been trained in Neuro Emotional Technique, Sacro Occipital Technique, Activator technique, Network Chiropractic, Diversified as well as Drop table technique. Dr Coogan has been practicing chiropractic since 1997 and has worked in the UK, Italy as well as Texas and currently resides in Albuquerque, New Mexico where she has been the owner.

3216 Monte Vista NE, Suite A
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87106
